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Texas benefits from investing in safe pipelines

Texas has always led the nation in oil and gas innovation. We must use all the sensible tools within reach to maximize our abilities to safely and efficiently move our energy resources to consumer markets in the U.S. and to our allies around the globe.

I had a teacher who looked like me

It is imperative that my students feel like they matter, and that they are accurately represented in their classrooms. I want them to see someone who looks like them, shares similar experiences and provides authentic anecdotes to overcome the challenges they experience.

Solitary confinement is terrible, but so is regular prison

We should condemn all cages, not just those that we have been told are necessary because certain individuals are beyond redemption — monsters who must be kept out of sight, without access to the basic human needs of touch and conversation and some type of human contact. Solitary doesn't create monsters; society does. Solitary just hides our worst mistakes.

A conversation began at TribFest. Let’s keep it going.

A number of folks approached us during the recent Texas Tribune Festival and asked, “What is Texas 2036 all about?”

It’s exactly the question we were hoping to hear. We explained that Texas 2036 is a nonprofit organization building statewide support for sustained, data-driven planning efforts. We are focused on the challenges and opportunities our state faces as it prepares for its bicentennial in 17 years — and the 10 million more people who will call Texas home by then.

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